The Conference on the 21st of June, 2016 for the presentation of the scientific textbook of Béatrice Blohorn-Brenneur and Spyros Antonelos “Mediation for all”

On June 21, 2016 at 18:00, a conference for the presentation of the scientific Mediation Textbook “Mediation for All” by Béatrice Blohorn – Brenneur and Spyros Antonelos took place with great success.

The event was organized by “Sakkoulas SA” Publications and RESOLVE Mediators and took place in the Event Hall of Athens Chamber of Small & Medium Industries (ACSMI) (Akadimias str. 18, 1st floor).

The welcome was given by Mrs. Eleni Plessa, Lawyer, Accredited Mediator, Trainer, Co-Founder and Partner of RESOLVE Mediators, followed by the welcome of Mrs. Eirini Matsouka, Lawyer, Accredited Mediator, Trainer, Co-Founder and Partner of RESOLVE Mediators and of Mrs Nora Syriou, Lawyer, Accredited Mediator, Trainer, Dialogue Coordinator and Partner of Resolve Mediators.

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Afterwards, Mr. Melidis, Lawyer, Ph.D. Candidate at Athens University of Business and Economics and special Assistant of Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, Mr. Kanellopoulos, Lawyer, Mediator and General Secretary of Mediators Training Centre “AKKED – PROMETHEUS“, Mr. Giannis Papagrigorakis, Publishing Manager of “Sakkoulas SA” Publishing House and Mr. Kalanzopoulos, Lawyer, Mediator and Consultant of the Athens Bar Association and President of AKKED – PROMETHEUS gave a small speech.


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Ms. Plessa then spoke again, this time about the contribution of Mediation in supporting Business and Entrepreneurship.

Mr. Antonelos, Lawyer, Mediator, Trainer, Co-Founder, Partner of RESOLVE Mediators and Author followed after Mrs. Plessa’s speech by presenting his newly published innovative Textbook and by reading the message translated by him of the French author Béatrice Blohorn – Brenneur, former Judge and Mediator. Mr. Antonelos explained the innovations of the book that make it a daily tool for the Greek Citizen, Entrepreneur, Lawyer and Judge, while Béatrice Blohorn-Brenneur -through her message- explained why Mediation, as a procedure of dispute resolution, can effectively complete judicial litigation by offering fast, flexible, legal and confidential solutions in an environment of equity, at an era that requires the use of new tools.

Having reached the end of the event, the last speech was given by Mr. Anastasopoulos, Lawyer, President of the Organization of Greek law experts “eTHEMIS” and Consultant of the Athens Bar Association, on the importance of the role of Lawyers during a Mediation.

The Conference was coordinated by Mr. Mantzos, Lawyer, Mediator, member of the Mediators’ Certification Committee of the Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, who, with his accurate comments, achieved the perfect synchronization and conduct of speeches.

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(In the photo shown above from left to right: Mrs. Plessa, Mr. Antonelos, Mr. Mantzos Mr. Anastasopoulos).

The RESOLVE Mediators Team warmly thanks, and ELSA Greece for the communication support of the Event.

You can find the Scientific Book “Mediation for All” online here.