News Release for the “Advocacy Training Programme in Mediation”
We are pleased to announce that “RESOLVE Mediators” Co-Founders and Partners, Eleni Plessa and Irene Matsouka will offer in collaboration with “Sakkoula AE”, a leading Legal Publishing Company in Greece, the Educational Programme, entitled “Advocacy Training Programme in Mediation”, starting from September 2019.
In this respect, we would like to thank “Sakkoula AE” for supporting once again the continuing education of Young Lawyers on new challenging developments relating to their legal profession and for helping “Resolve Mediators” Partners to better organize their Training Programme by providing them with fully equipped venues.
Eleni Plessa and Irene Matsouka, Attorneys at Law – Accredited Mediators and Trainers in Mediation, have created together with Spyros Antonelos, a mediation pioneer, the 18 hours Training Programme for Lawyers who accompany and represent their clients in Mediation, which they have been offering since 2015. So far, hundreds of Lawyers and Trainee Lawyers of the country have participated and have been benefited from it.
The Educational Programme is specially designed to meet the needs of Greek reality, based on the provisions of the new Law 4512/2018 and it is suitable for Lawyers and Trainee Lawyers who are willing to integrate Mediation into their daily legal practice and be benefited from its advantages. Mediation is a procedure that offers, inter alia, flexibility, confidentiality and enforceability, while it is usually a cheaper and quicker method for the resolution of disputes.
More details about the Programme and the schedule will be announced soon. If you are interested in taking part, you can send an email to